August 21, 2004

Williamsburg 2004

We will start our trip with
a short visit to
Washington, D.C.

We drive around town the WWII Memorial
we came to see.

We then drive to
Williamsburg, Virginia.
We will share our stay with
the Ramirez family.

We visit Colonial Williamsburg,
Yorktown, Jamestown...

...and Virginia Beach.

Before our departure
we pay a visit to
Winchester, Virginia.

Were the Biddle's reside...
(Cachita's sister)

"Enjoy "

July 24, 2004

Seattle 2004

We come back to the
Seattle, Washington area
to attend
Micheal's class reunion.

We spend a day
with Micheal's family
in Lake Sawyer...

...we then, take a drive
to Port Angeles...

...where we board a ferry to
Victoria, Canada.

We spend the day in beautiful
Butchart Gardens.

Later in the week...
 we will visit parks, and markets.

One last visit with the
Boltz family!
